Estate Planning

Estate Planning 101

Estate planning is an often-neglected subject in financial planning. The reasons I’ve heard from people about why this is the case run the gamut, but estate planning is an essential piece of securing your personal finances….

What are my Options if I Inherit an IRA?

Any inheritance can be complicated, but inherited IRAs—with the many rules that govern their distributions—tend to be especially complex. When handled with care, however, they can offer substantial long-term advantages….

Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Over the next 30 to 40 years, $30 trillion in financial and non-financial assets is expected to pass from the baby boomers — the wealthiest and one-time largest generation in U.S. history — to their heirs…

Don’t grow older—grow wiser

Growing older can be wrought with legal problems arising from health concerns, long-term care, and the need for appropriate housing. The good news, however, is that there are tools and strategies that older Americans can use to live as well as possible in the last decades of their lives....